Back in September, we started hearing rumblings that RIM was developing native OS X utilities for Mac BlackBerry users. Today, RIM has released a preview version of its BlackBerry Media Sync utility for OS X. It's no Desktop Manager, but at least it is a start.
BlackBerry Media Sync is designed to let you easily sync iTunes playlists (minus any DRM files) with your BlackBerry device. In August, PocketMac added a similar feature to its software, which is available for free from RIM's web site for all BlackBerry owners.
Basically, BlackBerry Media Sync will let you use your BlackBerry as an iPod shuffle (again, with the caveat that any iTunes DRM songs will not transfer to your BlackBerry). You can sync specific playlists or just have the free space automatically filled by your music collection.
There are some things you need to be aware of:
* If you have another BlackBerry syncing utility, like PocketMac or The Missing Sync installed, it will stop working after installing BlackBerry Media Sync. You will need to uninstall BlackBerry Media Sync and probably reinstall your other software to regain functionality.
* It is slow. At least in my tests, syncing using the BlackBerry Media Sync app was slower than just dragging an album/playlist over to the BlackBerry's Music folder in Finder.
* When you sync, it seems to re-transfer playlists all over again, even if they haven't changed.
Still, we finally have a native RIM utility for OS X. Hopefully a full-fledged Desktop Manager is in the future.[]
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Beta Beat: BlackBerry Media Sync for OS X

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